Kids Dinosaur Jokes Of The Day
Q: What should you do if you get a dinosaur in your bed?

A: Find somewhere else to sleep!

  Q: Do you recognize how long dinosaurs should be fed?

A: Exactly the same as short dinosaurs !

  Q: When can three enormous dinosaurs get under an umbrella and not get wet?

A: When it's not raining!

Q: How did the dinosaur feel later than he ate a pillow?

A: Down in the mouth !

  Q: Where was the dinosaur when the sun went downhill?

A: In the dark!

  Q: What's as huge as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?

A: Her shadow!

  Q: What do you find when a dinosaur sneezes?

A: Out of the way!

  Q: What do you find if you cross a pig with a dinosaur ?

A: Jurassic Pork!

  Q: How do you recognize if there's a dinosaur in your refrigerator?

A: Look for footprints in the pizza !

  Q: What happened when the dinosaur took the train house?

A: She had to bring it back!

  Johnny: Why did the Triceratops cross the street?
Billy: He didn't, the chicken crossed the street.
Johnny: Well, why did the chicken cross the street?
Billy: To getting away from the Triceratops !

  Q: Why was the dinosaur scared of the ocean ?

A: Because there was something fishy about it!

  Q: What do you dub a Stegoceras with one leg?

A: Eileen (I lean)!

  Mother: Why are you weeping?
Daughter: Because I wanted to find a dinosaur for my baby brother .
Mother: That's no reason to weep.
Daughter: Yes it is! Nobody would trade me!

  Q: What was the scariest primitive animal?

A: The Terror-dactyl !


Dinosaur and kid
Q: What has a spiked tail, plates on its rear, and sixteen wheels?

A: A Stegosaurus on roller skates!

  Q: What do you call it when a dinosaur slides in to house plate?

A: A dinoscore!

  Q: What do you find if you cross a Triceratops with a kangaroo ?

A: A Tricera-hops!

Q: What made the dinosaur's car end?

A: A flat Tire-annosaurus !

  Q: What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the drizzle?

A: A Stegosau-rust !

  Q: What type of tool does a primitive reptile carpenter use?

A: A dino-saw !

  Q: Who makes the best primitive reptile clothes?

A: A dino-sewer !

  Q: Which dinosaurs were the most excellent policemen?

A: Tricera-cops !

  Q: What do you call a dinosaur who is designated to Congress?

A: Rep. Tile!

  Q: Where did Velociraptor buy belongings?

A: At a dino-store!

  Q: Why did the Apatosaurus consume the factory?

A: Because she was a plant eater!

  Q: What is an Iguanodon's preferred playground toy?

A: A dino-see-saur !   Q: How much fur can you find from a dinosaur ?

A: As fur as you can get!

  Q: Why do dinosaurs eat uncooked meat?

A: Because they don't know how to cook !

  Q: What did dinosaurs have that no others animals always had?

A: Baby dinosaurs!

  Q: How many dinosaurs can healthy in an empty box ?

A: One. After that, the box isn't empty anymore!

  Q: How can you say if there's a dinosaur in the refrigerator ?

A: The door won't close!

  Q: Where do primitive reptiles like to go on vacation?

A: To the dino-shore !

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