Microceratops Dinosaurs

Microceratops Dinosaur

Microceratops Dinosaur meaning "small horned face," is a fascinating dinosaur species that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 90 million years ago. It belongs to the ceratopsian family, which includes the famous horned dinosaurs like Triceratops. Despite its small size, Microceratops provides valuable insights into the diversity and evolution of ceratopsians.

Microceratops was a tiny dinosaur, estimated to have reached lengths of around 2.5 to 3 feet (75 to 90 centimeters) and weighing only a few kilograms. Its compact body had a short neck and a relatively large head compared to its body size. The skull of Microceratops was adorned with a pair of small, forward-curving brow horns and a smaller nose horn projecting from the snout.

Microceratops Facts :

Name: Microceratops Dinosaurs
Size: 2.5 to 3 feet
Main Facts: Microceratops, meaning "small horned face," is a fascinating dinosaur species that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 90 million years ago.

Description :

The teeth of Microceratops were leaf-shaped and suited for slicing through vegetation. As an herbivore, it likely fed on low-lying plants, such as ferns, horsetails, and other vegetation that grew in its Late Cretaceous environment. Fossil remains of Microceratops have been found in Mongolia and China. These regions were characterized by diverse habitats, including forests and river valleys.

Microceratops likely inhabited these environments, foraging for plant material and living alongside other dinosaurs of the time. Microceratops, along with other ceratopsians, showcases the evolution of horned dinosaurs and the variation in their cranial ornamentation. Although it possessed smaller horns compared to its larger relatives, Microceratops exemplifies the diversity of ceratopsians in terms of size and adaptations.