Upper Musselshell Museum

Established year : 1909
Visiting Hours : Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Holidays : no holidays
Contact : 406-632-5519
Address : Harlowton
State :
Country :
Organizer : Michael Wilcox
Resource Website: : www.harlowtonmuseum.com/
Museum Exhibits:
The museum’s centerpiece is “Ava,” the full-size skeleton replica of a “first of its kind” Avaceratops, found in the Judith River Formation near Shawmut.
Few words about the Museum:
Exploring the original Upper Musselshell Museum is rather like prowling around in someone's attic or barn. This two-story limestone building, constructed in 1909, is filled with treasures that belong to the people who lived in, worked and developed the Upper Musselshell River country.