Efraasia with a length of 2 to 3 meters (6.8 to 9.8 ft) is considered a smaller dinosaur in comparison with others because majority of their fossils are obtained from the immature ones, The year 2003 proved SMNS 12843 the biggest specimen by researcher Adam Yates in comparison with all others having a thigh bone's length of 627 millimeters (24.7 in) and the entire body length of a matured well-grown one is 6.5 meters. Coming to its size which is comparatively lesser and their hands and foot are thin.


The terrestrial locomotion is divided to be half bipedal and half quadruped similar to that of the sauropodomorphs which are the first ones known to have existed. Their fingers are longer possessing wrists which has a shape designed to help them walk also having thumbs which are movable which would help them to get a hold of food easily. Few studies reveal that the lower arm is disabled probation which is a rotation process of the radius surrounding the ulna that was the reason the animal's hand could not be pointed in the downward direction causing it to be bipedal in nature.

The skull is found small, pointed and triangular in nature and four teeth have premaxillar arrangement, the neck part is partially long and thin, the tail holds lesser amount of neural spines. Talking about their toes the first one is very small; they have the second finger elongated than the third one. A researcher Von Huene found out groups of stomach stones known as gastroliths also found in the specimen SMNS 12667.

Adam Yates found two distinctive autapomorphys which are the occurrence of elevated crescent shaped ridge on the top most part of the innermost side in the pubis shaft; also the occurrence of a web look alike vaulted bone in the midst of the braincase bone, the processus basipterygoidei containing a elevated central bony platform on the upper most part of the vault.

Efraasia facts:
Name: Efraasia (Named after the palaeontologist Eberhard Fraas who discovered the first remains).
Named By:

Peter M. Galton - 1973.

Time period:

Norian of the Triassic.