Historical Museum of Hokkaido

Established year : 1971
Visiting Hours : 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Holidays : mondays
Contact : 011-898-0456
Address : 53-2 Atsubetsucho-konopporo,Atsubetsuku, Sapporo
State :
Country :
Organizer :
Resource Website: : http://www.hmh.pref.hokkaido.jp/english/annai/e_sougou.htm
Museum Exhibits:
Few words about the Museum:
"The Historical museum of Hokkaido" is mission to contribute to the future of Hokkaido through an understanding of its past, to play a central role among museums and similar facilities in Hokkaido, and to provide Hokkaidoites with a place for life-long study.