
Unenlagia belongs to the family of dromaeosaurid, theropod dinosaur that has been found existed in the Turonian to Coniacian age of late Cretaceous period. The fossil remains of this species were recovered in Argentina. This carnivore dinosaur comes under the classification of Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Theropoda, Deinonychosauria, Dromaeosauridae, Unenlagiinae.

Rinconsaurus Dinosaur

The species was named by Novas in 1997. The genus of Unenlagia has been assigned to two species: U. comahuensis and U. paynemili based on certain similarities. Only twenty bones were recovered till date and most were leg fragments. From the fossil skeleton analyses it has been observed that the body size of the dinosaur is about 3.5 metres long.


Unenlagia showed some difference in its morphological structure, notably in the size of its snout when compared to the later discovered genera Buitreraptor and Austroraptor, which belonged to same theropod family. The skeletal pattern of Unenlagia is much like a bird but still it cannot fly like an avian dinosaur as the forelimb was not developed to be lifted up high.


Unenlagia facts:
Name: Unenlagia (U-nen-lag-ee-ah).
Time period:

Turonian to Coniacian of the Cretaceous.

Fossil representation:

Twenty bones.