
Quetecsaurus belongs to the family of titanosaur sauropod dinosaur which had been found existed in the Turonian age of late Cretaceous period. The fossil remains of the dinosaur were first discovered in Argentina, Mendoza Province - Cerro Lisandro Formation. This herbivore species comes under the classification of Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Sauropoda, Titanosauria.

Quetecsaurus Dinosaur

The species was first named by Bernardo González Riga & Leonardo Ortiz David - 2014. Only Partial post cranial skeleton has been found till date and it is composed of various vertebrae, and a partial forelimb. When its cranial structure is diagnosed it showed some unique traits which proved Quetecsaurus rusconii was the only single species existed. It had sigmoid "S" shaped humerus with angular proximolateral corner. It showed anteroventral border and enlarged posteroventral processes on its atlas.  

Quetecsaurus facts:

Quetecsaurus Dinosaurs.


Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Sauropoda, Titanosauria.

Fossil representation:

Partial post cranial skeleton mainly composed of various vertebrae, and a partial forelimb.