
Neovenator is otherwise referred as new hunter and it is a genus of allosauroid dinosaur. It is believed that those species have been lived in UK, in the Barremian Stage around 125 million years ago of the late Cretaceous period. The remains are found predominantly on the south-west coast of the Isle of Wight. This carnivore species comes under the classification of Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Theropoda, Allosauroidea, Carcharodontosauria, Neovenatoridae.

Neovenator Dinosaur

The species is first described by Hutt, Martill & Barker in 1996. From the fossil analysis it has been observed that the creature was approximately 7.5 meters in length, weighting 1000-2000 kg. Since the genus belongs to the carnivore category it had blade-like serrated teeth with horned extensions of the skull. The type specimen had a long body held balance by a long tail. Neovenator was the first considered new species belong to the family of Megalosaurus.

Neovenator facts:
Name: Neovenator Dinosaurs (Nee-oh-ven-ah-tor)
Type: Carnivore.
Fossil representation:

Partial skull and post cranial remains totally about 70% of the dinosaur.

Neovenator Magazine:
Neovenator magazine


Author: Dixon, Dougal
Publisher: Capstone Press
Description: Explains about Neovenator, the Many dinosaurs lived among its swamps and low hills. Discover how these creatures survived and what they had in common with today’s animals.